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Division of Rheumatology, Autoimmunity and Inflammation RAI

Core Curriculum

This is a fellows' conference at which expert faculty provides didactic teaching often followed by case discussions and hands-on training.

2024-2025 Schedule

Fellows' preparation for core curriculum session include

  1. Mandatory reading of the Textbook chapters and Rheum Secrets
  2. Reading of Faculty assigned 2-3 review papers
  3. Bringing in relevant case for clinical discussion
Date Topic
7/5/24 8:30am-12:00pm -- Meet the PD/APD (Drs. Susan Lee and Brian Pedersen
Rheumatology Fellowship: ACGME/ACR Expectations and Overview
7/12/24 8:30-9:30am -- Dr. Lisa Korn
9:30-10:30am -- Dr. Choi EPIC 101
10:30-12:00pm -- CPRS 101 and Approach to patients in rheumatology (Note Templates) -Dr. Pedersen

8:30-10:00am -- Introduction to DMARDs/biologics --Dr. S Choi
10:00-1130am -- Virtual Rheumatology Practicum V-FIT (1st year recommendation: RA and SLE)

7/26/24 RAI Division Retreat

830-10:00am -- Drug Safety Part 1: RA, SLE, Gout – Dr. S Lee
10:00-11:30am -- Drug Safety Part 2: Reproductive Health and Drug Safety in Pregnancy – Dr. Chelsey Smith

8/9/24 8:30am-12:00pm -- Virtual Basic Joint/rheumatology exams including standardized patient - Drs. Susan Lee and Brian Pedersen
8/16/24 8:30-10:00am -- Monoarthritis- Dr. B Pedersen
10:30am-12:30pm -- Virtual Rheumatology Practicum V-FIT (1st year recommendation: SpA, Rheumatic Emergencies)
8/23/24 9:30-11:00am -- Ultrasound of Upper Extremity - Dr. A Singh
8/30/24 9:30-11:00am -- Dr. Stanley Naides: Rheumatology Labs
11:00am-12:00pm -- Fellowship Wellness Check-In
9/6/24 9:30-11:00am --  Ultrasound of Lower Extremity - Dr. A Singh
9/13/24 9:30-11:00am --  Sjogren's: Dr. Baer
9/20/24 9:30-11:00am -- Sjogren's: Dr. McCoy
9/27/24 Cancelled due to CCR

9:30-11:00am -- Virtual Rheumatology Practicum V-FIT or ViP
12:00-1:00pm -- Zoom Meeting with Fellowship Applicants


9:30-11:00am -- Virtual Rheumatology Practicum V-FIT or ViP
12:00-1:00pm -- Zoom Meeting with Fellowship Applicants


9:30-11:00am -- Virtual Rheumatology Practicum V-FIT or ViP
12:00-1:00pm -- Zoom Meeting with Fellowship Applicants

10/25/24 9:30-11:00am -- Immunology Part 1 - Dr. Sam Bertin
11/1/24 9:30-11:00am -- Program Evaluation, Wellness Check In - Dr. Susan Lee and Dr. Brian Pedersen
11/8/24 9:30-11:00am --  Lupus Nephritis - Dr. Chelsey Smith
11/15/24 Cancelled due to ACR
11/22/24 9:30am-12:00pm -- Board Review Part 1
11/29/24 No conference: Thanksgiving Holiday
12/6/24 9:30-11:00am -- OA - Dr. Gregg Middleton
12/13/24 9:30-10:30am -- Fellowship Wellness Check-In
10:30-12:00pm -- ACR Vasculitis Guideline
12/20/24 9:30-11:00am -- Morbidity & Mortality Dr. Susan Lee
12/27/24 Winter Break
1/3/25 ​Winter Break
1/10/25 9:30am-12:30pm ITE Practice Session 1 (40 Questions/60min x 2)
1/17/25 9:30-11am Complex Case Discussion (PAH/CTD); Review of ITE Practice Session
1/24/25 9:30-11am Ask An Expert MSK Radiology Part 1 (Crystal Disease) - Dr. K Chen
1/31/25 Self Study
2/7/25 9-10am Clinical Trials Meeting; 10-11a Complex Case Discussion
2/14/25 9:30-11am Eye diseases among Rheumatic Diseases (Case presentations by fellows) -Dr. D Spencer
2/21/25 9:30am-12:30pm ITE Practice Session 2
2/28/25 9:30-11am Vasculitis - Dr. Soo Choi
3/7/25 9-10am Clinical Trials Meeting;
10-11am: Complex Case Discussion
3/14/25 9:30-11am Myositis - Dr. Arnold Ceponis
3/21/25 9:30-10:30am Fellowship Wellness Check In 1030a-Noon ACR Image Bank Review - Dr. Brian Pedersen
3/28/25 Cancelled due to Cesar Chavez Holiday; ITE 3/25-3/26
4/4/25 9-10am Clinical Trials: 10-11a Scleroderma - Dr. Doquyen Huynh
4/11/25 9:30-11am Immunology Part 2 - Dr. Stephanie Stanford
4/18/25 9:30-11am Ask an Expert MSK Radiology (Non-Crystal Disease) Part 2 - Dr. Karen Chen
4/25/25 9:30-11am Crystal Arthropathy - Dr. Robert Terkeltaub
5/2/25 9-10am Clinical Trials,
10-11am APS - Dr. Puja Patel
5/9/25 9:30a-12pm Complex Case Discussion and Board Review Part 3
5/16/25 9:30-11am Program Evaluation Committee- Dr. S Lee and Dr. B Pedersen
5/30/25 9:30-1030am Fellowship Wellness Check-In
930-noon End of the year evaluation - Dr. S Lee and Dr. B Pedersen
6/13/25 9:30-11am ACR Axial SpA Guideline
6/27/25 Graduation Ceremony/Brunch